Critical Social Justice

Critical Social Justice is a multifaceted and interdisciplinary programming initiative coordinated by the Women’s Center which aims to explore social justice both in theory and practice from academic, activist, and artistic perspectives.

Outlined in black and filled in with white, the bookmarked shaped logo for CSJ reads "The Women's Center at UMBC presents Critical Social Justice." Above, a raised fist clenching a paintbrush and pencil rises out of the pages of an open book.

CSJ has always been an opportunity to bring our campus community together to spark innovative ideas, inspire creative inquiry, and begin new collaborations. In addition to exploring what unites us, we want to create space to look at what separates us and how we can bridge those expanses.

We hope to continue to grow the inclusivity of CSJ by helping more people feel welcome and comfortable engaging in challenging conversations about equity and justice, across all racial and ethnic identities, genders, sexualities, political ideologies, academic fields, and life experiences. From dancers to coders, from seasoned activists to those looking for ways to begin impacting change around their passions, CSJ can be for all of us.

Throughout CSJ week, participants explore how to harness partnership to achieve things that may be out of our reach as individuals. How can we use our strengths, and learn from our challenges, to become the community we want to be — one that truly exemplifies inclusive excellence?

Follow our blog and myUMBC page for updates on scheduled events and other news. For more information about the Critical Social Justice initiative, or if you’re organizing a related event that might be included on the CSJ calendar, please email

Past Critical Social Justice themes: