Monument Quilt Display at UMBC
In recognition of Relationship Violence Awareness Month
On Campus : PAHB 231
Date & Time
October 3, 2015, 9:00 am – 2:00 pm
Join us at UMBC on Saturday, 10/3/15 and Monday, 10/5/15 as the Monument Quilt comes to campus in recognition of Domestic Violence Awareness Month.
We will display the collection of stories created for and by survivors of rape and abuse. By stitching these stories together, survivors are creating a space to heal and creating a new culture where survivors are publicly supported rather than publicly shamed. There will be an opportunity to interact with the quilt and also to create your own mini square to add to the squares created by thousands of other survivors and allies.
Due to rain, the outdoor display was cancelled. A much smaller display will be hosted in the Performing Arts and Humanities Building room 231 during the Imagining America conference at UMBC.
A workshop about the Monument Quilt will be presented at the conference from 12-1pm in PAHB 319.
More info about the Monument Quilt:
We will post weather-related updates on the Women's Center Facebook page. Also follow #notalone and #monumentquilt on Twitter.
This display is co-sponsored by UMBC's Women's Center, University Health Services, and Voices Against Violence.