Women & Leadership Kick-Off Event
Join us for the first of many programs this year!
Harbor Hall : Cafe
Date & Time
September 8, 2016, 5:00 pm – 6:30 pm
Are you looking for ways to develop as a leader at UMBC and beyond? Are you an aspiring leader thinking about ways to step up as a woman and take the lead? Join us for the first of many leadership opportunities this year with the Women & Leadership Class 2016-2017!
At our Women & Leadership Class Kick-Off on Thurs. Sept. 8th, we will have a meet-and-greet, an overview of upcoming programs, and of course...pizza! All students are welcome, you do not need to be a resident of Harbor Hall to join us!
At our Women & Leadership Class Kick-Off on Thurs. Sept. 8th, we will have a meet-and-greet, an overview of upcoming programs, and of course...pizza! All students are welcome, you do not need to be a resident of Harbor Hall to join us!
Let us know you're coming by RSVPing here.
**All of the Women & Leadership Class of 2016-2017 programs are co-sponsored by UMBC's Women's Center, Women Involved in Learning and Leadership (WILL), and the Office of Student Life.
Questions? Email Corinne Janet at cjanet@umbc.edu