CSJ: Rise 101
What do you rise for? How do you remain resilient?
On Campus : UC 310
Date & Time
October 23, 2017, 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm
Join Amelia Meman, project coordinator for the Women’s Center, and Dr. Julie Murphy, senior lecturer of UMBC’s Psychology Department, as they facilitate a dialogue on activism, resistance, and resilience. With the hopes of learning from one another’s experiences, we plan to explore this year’s theme of “rise” and to collaborate to create a plan for continued engagement in critical social justice.
Other CSJ: Rise Events:
- Jodi Kelber-Kaye (Honors College, Assistant Director) -- moderator
- Lee Blaney (Chemical, Biochemical and Environmental Engineering, Associate Professor)
- Keisha Allen (Education, former Post-Doc Diversity Fellow)
- Rehana Shafi (Sherman Scholars, Director)
- Jason Loviglio (MCS, Associate Professor and Chair)
- Dr. Marina Adler (Sociology, Anthropology, and Health Administration and Policy, Professor)
- Corinne Janet (Student Life, Coordinator for Leadership)
- Romy Huebler (Student Life, Coordinator for Student Organizations and Involvement)
- Dr. Jana Rehak (Anthropology, Instructor)
- Dr. Kimberly Moffitt (American Studies, Associate Professor)
- Rabbi Jeremy Fierstein (UMBC Hillel, Executive Director)
Thursday 10/26
Special thanks to our Critical Social Justice co-sponsors:
Student Life’s Mosaic Center, Residential Life, College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences, Honors College, Off-Campus Student Services, Counseling Center, University Health Services Health Promotions, Human Relations/Title IX Office, LGBTQ Faculty and Staff Association, Relationship Violence Awareness and Prevention (RVAP), The Social Work Program, Student Disability Services, Department of Psychology, Women Involved in Learning and Leadership, Sociology, Anthropology, and Health Administration and Policy (SAHAP), Department of American Studies, Department of Media and Communication Studies, Department of Modern Languages, Linguistics & Intercultural Communication, Race & Inclusion Scholars