Supporting Survivors of Sexual Violence Workshop
A Critical Social Justice: Rise Last Minute Addition!
On Campus : Women's Center
Date & Time
October 26, 2017, 12:00 pm – 1:15 pm
Due to the Monument Quilt Display cancellation because of projected rain in the forecast, the Women's Center is offering this workshop as a last minute add to the Critical Social Justice: Rise calendar of events.
While it won't be able to replace the amazing display we would have had on campus today, we still want to carve out space for us to talk about supporting survivors of sexual violence, especially as we continue to work through and grapple with the collective impact "Me Too" has made in our communities and beyond.
“Survival is testament to someone’s strength. Healing is testament to the community surrounding her.” –Lisa Factora-Borchers
We often have questions about how to best support friends and peers who have experienced sexual assault and interpersonal violence. What do we say? What do we not say? Most importantly, how can we build trust and help empower survivors and create a survivor-responsive campus community?
This workshop, held during Relationship Violence Awareness Month will address common questions, challenges, and best practices for directly and indirectly supporting survivors of sexual violence. The majority of the workshop will focus on the best ways to respond sensitively and effectively to survivors who are experiencing an immediate crisis or ongoing trauma.
Workshop material will be covered from 12-1:15pm Presenters have blocked an additional 15 minutes afterwards to be available for further questions and support.
From 2-4pm in the Women's Center, we will be hosting a Monument Quilt workshop where participants can make a quilt square to contribute to this powerful project.
Presenters: Jess Myers and Amelia Meman, Women’s Center staff
Questions? Contact: Jess Myers, or x5-2714
The Women's Center is located on the ground floor of The Commons - right by the Yum Shoppe!