Returning Women Students Salary Negotiation Workshop
A Returning Women Students Event
The Commons : Women's Center
Date & Time
March 7, 2018, 4:00 pm – 5:30 pm
The Women's Center is excited to offer a salary negotiation workshop for Returning Women Students in our lounge area. Don't miss out on this great event!
You've probably heard about the wage gap. You know, the part where men and women often get paid differently for doing the same job? The gap is even bigger for people of color and people with disabilities. What can you do, besides wringing your hands and hoping you don't fall in?
Learn to negotiate your salary, that's what! Marie Lilly from OIA will guide us as we learn how to ask for what we're worth, even in this tight job market, and help all of us avoid one of the most common pitfalls for new employees: failing to negotiate that starting salary. Don't let this happen to you!
Based on feedback, we have added 30 minutes of a role playing component to guide you through some of the tough conversations. Invest in your future today!
This workshop is designed specifically for returning women students (undergraduate students over the age of 25).