Take Back The Night Rally Sign Making
Make a rally sign to march with for Take Back The Night
On Campus : The Women's Center
Date & Time
April 11, 2018, 9:30 am – 6:00 pm
Join us in the Women's Center during hours when the lounge is open on the days leading up to the event to create a rally sign for this year's TBTN. Materials and community space will be provided! Sign making is also available in the Women's Center on April 9th and 10th.
UMBC students who identify as survivors are invited to speak at the speak out forum. You can contact the Women's Center for more details but you do not have to sign up in advanced to speak at the forum.
Wanna learn more about what Take Back The Night is? Visit www.takebackthenight.org for more information.
If you are interested in volunteering for this TBTN, please contact the Women's Center at womens.center@umbc.edu for more details.