Just Ask!
Relationship Violence Awareness Month (RVAM) Panel
The Commons : Skylight Room
Date & Time
October 17, 2018, 4:30 pm – 6:30 pm
Reposting from Human Relations to help spread the word about this RVAM event!
Ever wondered what you should do if a person you like is just not that into you? Ever been concerned about a friend whose significant other won't stop calling? How about where to go for help if you've been assaulted? Students have the opportunity to anonymously submit questions that will be presented to a panel on the topics related to fostering and maintaining healthy social and sexual relationships. Whether or not it's a fling or a serious relationship, let's talk about it. If you have questions, just ask!
Moderator: Morgan C. Thomas
David Di Maria- International Education Services
John Fox- Residential Life
Lisa Gray- The Mosaic Center
Tim Hall- Athletics
Erick Kim- Office of Human Relations
Jess Myers- The Women's Center
Samantha Smith- University Health Services
M. Antonio Silas- Off Campus Student Services
Jacki Stone- The Division of Student Affairs