The Returning Women Students Networking Spectacular!
Register by November 8th!
The Commons : Lower Flat Tuesday
Date & Time
November 13, 2019, 4:00 pm – 6:00 pm – Canceled
This event has been postponed and will be rescheduled for the spring 2020 semester!
Back by popular demand, this networking event connects returning women students with different UMBC faculty, staff & alumni and industry professionals in a real-life networking situation. Practice your elevator speech, talk about your strengths, get advice from professionals in your field.
Please note, we are moving this annual event from the spring to the fall semester to allow students more time throughout the year to build and foster potential on-campus connections made at this networking event.
A previous participant shared, "In my opinion, the Networking Spectacular was the best event of the semester. I was out of practice, and participating in this event increased my confidence."
Another student echoed this sentiment saying, "Exchanging with others was an amazing and exciting moment. From now on I truly feel more confident about networking skills."
Clearly this is an event you won't want to miss!
All interested students must register. Register by clicking here or hitting the website button below. Please register no later than November 8th.
This event is is designed specifically for returning women students (undergraduate students over the age of 25).
More details will be provided to registered students after the registration date closes. For questions or concerns, contact the Women's Center at
UMBC faculty, staff and alumni are encouraged to volunteer for this event. Those interested in volunteering can sign up here.