VIRTUAL Clothesline Project T-Shirt Making
Create a "shirt" to add to our online display/zine!
April 1, 2020 – Apr 30, 2020 (All Day Event)
Submit your virtual Clothesline Project t-shirt design!
For details visit:
The Clothesline Project gives voice to the experiences of survivors, victims, family, and friends who have been affected by violence. The Women's Center will be providing materials for those who identify as survivors or victims of violence to decorate t-shirts to add to our clothesline project display throughout the month of April.
UMBC community members impacted by sexual violence are encouraged to make a t-shirt for the display prior to April 6th so it can be included in the display but supplies will be available throughout all of April in the Women's Center. A smaller display can also be viewed at Take Back the Night on April 16th. Community members wishing to make a shirt can let someone at the front desk know they are interested in making a shirt and a staff member will be able to assist you.
We strive to host inclusive, accessible events that enable all individuals, including individuals with disabilities, to engage fully. To be respectful of those with allergies and environmental sensitivities, we ask that you please refrain from wearing strong fragrances. To request an accommodation or for inquiries about accessibility, please contact Women's Center staff at or 410-455-2714.