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Women's Center "Free Hour" Virtual "Lounge" Hangout!

We miss you! Let's hangout!



Date & Time

April 1, 2020, 12:00 pm12:45 pm


Remember that one time we got these amazing new couches for the Women's Center lounge and then weeks later, we had to stop coming to campus to ensure we flatten the COVID-19 curve?! Sigh.

Those couches will be there when we get back, but in the meantime, it's been too long since we've seen you in our "lounge!" Join some of your favorite Women's Center staff in our virtual lounge for some fun check-in questions, ice breakers, and general catching up all while maintaining appropriate social distancing and staying home! 

It's also Women's Center Wednesday, so bonus feel-good points to anyone who wears their Women's Center shirt for the hangout! 

ID: 475459766
Password: Z8KJ5AAE

(US) +1 202-860-2110 (toll)
Access code: 475 459 766

For questions or accessibility needs related to this hangout, email us at womenscenter@umbc.edu.