Virtual Take Back the Night 2021
Take Back the Night 2021 has moved online!
The events, activism, discussions, support, and stories that stem from Sexual Assault Awareness Month are some of the Women’s Center’s most significant and special. Take Back the Night (TBTN) is one of the largest events the Women's Center hosts every year. To honor this special event that centers survivors stories and healing and invites our community to dismantle rape culture, we created a virtual TBTN experience.
We invite our community to visit this platform and engage in the visual and audio content. Spend time alone or with others sitting with the reflection questions and action items. Share your thoughts on social media using #UMBCtbtn.
Join the Women's Center on April 20th at 4pm to be in community as we experience virtual TBTN 2021 together!
Join the Women's Center on April 20th at 4pm to be in community as we experience virtual TBTN 2021 together!
Thank you to the student who shared their voices to make the experience a richer and deeper experience for the UMBC community. Special thanks to OIA staff, Bryan Barnes and Kevin McGuire, who took a glimmer of idea and turned it into a reality.
To learn more about UMBC's Sexual Assault Awareness Month programming and resources, visit our SAAM 2021 myUMBC post.
Posted: April 13, 2021, 3:47 PM