Submit to TurnAround's Purple Poetry Book
A collection of poetry and artwork for and by survivors
We're excited to share this opportunity on behalf of our off-campus partners, TurnAround.
The Purple Poetry Book is a published collection of poetry, short stories, photography, and other original artwork by survivors and for survivors of intimate partner violence, sexual assault, and human trafficking. What once began as a way to lift up the voices of those who have experienced violence and trauma, has evolved into an entire support system for survivors to share their experiences and inspire those around them. TurnAround’s Purple Poetry Book was first released in 2009 and is released every October in honor of Domestic Violence Awareness Month. TurnAround celebrates each year’s release with a live event where survivors can read and share their poetry in a safe, inclusive, and fun environment with music, food, and good people. In 2019 we celebrated its 10th year anniversary.
Submissions for the Purple Poetry Book open in June of each year and close at the end of August. Submissions for the 2021 book open on June 1, 2021, and closes on August 31, 2021.
Submission Guidelines:
Before submitting, please make sure your work meets the following criteria:
Written work:
Maximum of 700 words
12 point, Times New Roman font
Must be submitted as a Word, Pages, or other editable file (do not submit as a PDF)
Visual work:
Must be submitted as a PNG, GIF, or JPEG file
Size your images around 500 x 500 pixels or less at 96-150 DPI
Description of work, no more than 100 words
Please review the submission guidelines before submitting your work. Note: If you have any questions please email
Submit your work here:
Stay tuned for our live release party in November of 2021.
Posted: June 14, 2021, 10:41 AM