Women's Center Fall '21 Hours, Services + Resources
Wherever you are the Women's Center is here for you!
Women's Center Fall 2021 Hours of Operation:
Beginning on the first day of classes, the Women's Center will resume our traditional in-person hours of operation and will welcome community members into our physical space.
In order to maintain physical distancing, the lounge space will be operating at 50% capacity. Masks are required to be in our space.
Our Fall Hours are:
Mondays through Thursdays: 10am - 5:30pm
Fridays: 10am - 4pm
Finally, you can experience our new comfy couches! Our usual plates/mugs/utensils will not be available so please bring your own if you plan on drinking or eating in the space.
While we are physically open, the Women's Center will also continue to provide support and services virtually Monday through Friday to those who are learning and working remotely. We encourage campus community members to contact us through email at womenscenter@umbc.edu or via phone at 410-455-2714.
The Women's Center lactation room is also available for Fall 2021 reservations and use. For details, contact us at womenscenter@umbc.edu or visit our myUMBC post.
Individualized Support Meetings:
Women's Center professional staff are available for individual meetings and support which we can provide in-person or via phone or video chat. Drop by or to schedule an appointment, email womenscenter@umbc.edu or call 410-455-2714.
Visit our website for all the ways we can provide support.
Visit our website for all the ways we can provide support.
If you haven't already, follow us on social media where we're sharing resources and communicating with our community!
Please also feel free to communicate with us through any of these channels.
Other Helpful Campus Resources:
To report and seek services for incidents related to sexual violence, relationship violence, and all other sexual misconduct, complete the online form located on the Office of Equity and Inclusion's website. TurnAround's 24/7 helpline is 443-279-0379. For a full list of off-campus resources, visit Retriever Courage.
For UMBC community members who need access to healthy food and other essential supplies visit Retriever Essentials or the myUMBC Retriever Essentials group for up-to-date information on how to access food and toiletry items.
Posted: August 26, 2021, 3:22 PM