Women's Center Advisory Board Applications for 2022-24
Be a voice for the Women's Center - Deadline May 6, 2022
The Women’s Center Advisory Board is a collective of faculty, staff, and affiliate students with an interest in supporting and cultivating the work of the Women’s Center at UMBC and advancing gender equity and social justice on UMBC’s campus.
Board members participate in monthly board meetings, scheduled for the first Friday of each month during the academic year. This forum allows Women’s Center staff to share information about the Center and similarly allows the board members to share their knowledge, wisdom and unique perspectives to advance the mission of the Women’s Center.
In addition to advising the professional staff of the Women’s Center, Board members and affiliates help and give support in the planning, programming, and advocacy of the Women’s Center. Board members and affiliates are encouraged to attend Women’s Center events when possible and volunteer at larger events such as Critical Social Justice, Take Back the Night, or the Returning Women Students networking event. These responsibilities may occasionally entail additional hours of commitment outside of the monthly board meetings.
Board members are appointed for two-year terms, with the possibility of renewal. Student Affiliates serve a one-year term, with possibility of renewal.
Students are invited to join the Board via an affiliate position and can do so by completing the same application process as faculty and staff.
The Women’s Center seeks
to serve a diverse community of people interested in women’s, gender, and
social justice issues. We seek a diverse
board to assure that varying needs and interests are represented.
For more on the Women’s Center mission, guiding principles, and priorities,
visit womenscenter.umbc.edu
Friday, May 6, 2022
Complete your application through this google form.
For additional information, please call the Women’s Center at x52714 or email womenscenter@umbc.edu.
Posted: April 11, 2022, 2:58 PM