Women's Center Advisory Board Applications Now Available!
Due March 16th!
Are you an active member in the Women's Center community? Are you looking to contribute to the Center in new and exciting ways? If so, maybe the Women's Center Advisory Board is the next step for you!
Download your application today!
The Women’s Center Advisory Board is a collective of faculty, staff, and students (graduate and undergraduate) with an interest in the process associated with developing and maintaining the UMBC Women’s Center.
Board Members are asked to participate in a monthly board meeting, scheduled for the first Friday of each month during the academic year. This forum allows the Director to share information about the Center and similarly allows the board members to share their knowledge, wisdom and unique perspectives.
In addition to advising the Director, Board Members help and give support in the planning, programming, and public relations of the Center via various sub-committees. These responsibilities would entail additional hours of commitment outside of the monthly board meetings.
Board members are appointed for two-year terms, with possibility of renewal.
The Women’s Center seeks to serve a diverse population of women, as well as men interested in gender and women’s issues. As a result, a diverse board is sought to assure that varying needs and interests are represented.
DEADLINE: Friday, March 16, 2012
For additional information, please call the Women’s Center at x52714 or email womens.center@umbc.edu.
All Are Welcome So Long As They Respect Women’s Experiences, Stories & Potential
Posted: February 15, 2012, 2:10 PM