Rebuilding Manhood Appplications Now Available for Fall 2014
Rolling Admissions....Deadline: September 10th
Rebuilding Manhood Applications are now available!
What do you enjoy about being a man? What do you wish was different?
What does it mean to be a man? When and how did you learn to become a man?
Explore these questions and more through Rebuilding Manhood. In a safe (and brave) space you will discuss gender roles, norms/variations, and build a healthy, multifaceted masculinity with other UMBC undergraduate men. Through the facilitation of UMBC staff members and a peer facilitator, you will discuss topics related to being a man parallel to other important social identities and explore ways you can be an effective ally for yourself, women, and others.
Rebuilding Manhoodis an 11-week commitment. The group will meet once a week on Fridays from 2-3:15pm beginning Friday, September 12, 2014. Group members are expected to make all meetings and are asked to commit to some outside reading (20-30 minutes a week).
All undergraduate students who identify as men are encouraged to apply.
Apply online at:
For questions, contact the Women's center at
Posted: July 31, 2014, 3:23 PM