UMBC’s Take Back The Night 2015- A Visual Recap

Thursday, April 16th was UMBC’s 3rd Annual Take Back The Night speak-out and march. We had an amazing turn out and we couldn’t have done it without everyone’s hard work and support!

Jess and Megan setting up our TBTN Banner!

Setting up T-shirts for the mini Clothesline Project Display

Right before the Speak-Out

Staff member, Yoo-Jin Kang and Peer Health Educator, Kayla Smith, were the student emcees and march leaders this year!

The march made a huge impact on campus. We were even invited to march through the dining hall!

After the Speak-out, the community was invited to hang out together, craft for a cause, and enjoy some lemonade and cookies before leaving the event.
Just a reminder for those who might not have been able to attend, there are many resources available to you, both on and off campus.
Here are some links:
UMBC’s Relationship Violence Response and Prevention Program (RVAP)
UMBC’s Title IX Coordinator and Info
Posted: April 21, 2015, 8:03 AM