White Womanhood + Critical Whiteness Resources Round-Up
A resource round-up provided by Jess Myers, Women’s Center director
In case you missed last night’s roundtable on White Womanhood and Critical Whiteness (or if you were there and want to keep the conversation going), I thought it might be useful to share some resources that have helped me on my ongoing journey of what it means to be a white woman and how I show up and impact those around me as a white woman. As I mentioned, white women need to “hold up the mirror” for ourselves and engage with our reflection of whiteness and white privilege. Having resources and community to help hold up the mirror for us and work through what we see is vital as we engage in this self-work. Below are (just) some resources I’ve found helpful and transformative in my journey. This is not an exhaustive list so I welcome suggestions as well!

It was standing room only at last night’s roundtable on White Womanhood and Critical Whiteness! We can’t stop here, though, white women, let’s keep the conversation and learning going!
News Outlets and Blogs:
“Colorlines is a daily news site where race matters, featuring award-winning investigative reporting and news analysis. Colorlines is published by Race Forward, a national organization that advances racial justice through research, media and practice.”
Twitter – Facebook – Website
Everyday Feminism
“Our mission is to help people heal from and stand up to everyday violence, discrimination, and marginalization through applied intersectional feminism.”
Twitter – Facebook – Wesbite
Feminist Wire
“The mission of The Feminist Wire is to provide socio-political and cultural critique of anti-feminist, racist, and imperialist politics pervasive in all forms and spaces of private and public lives of individuals globally. Of particular critical interest to us are social and political phenomena that block, negate, or limit the satisfaction of goods or ends that humans, especially the most vulnerable, minimally require for living free of structural violence.”
Twitter – Facebook – Website
Articles and Books:
White Women, Race Matters: The Social Construction of Whiteness (I personally recommend chapters 3 & 7)
When White Women Cry: How White Women’s Tears Oppress Women of Color by Mamta Motwana Accapadi (AND, just read this article as of 9/28 which is a great compliment: White Women’s Tears and the Men Who Love Them)
Being Lovingly, Knowingly Ignorant: White Feminism and Women of Color by Mariana Ortega
Learn more about the term “white fragility”
More thoughts about “calling in” and “calling out”
From Safe Spaces to Brave Spaces: A New Way to Frame Dialogue Around Diversity and Social Justice by Brian Arao and Kristi Clemens
Conferences and Trainings:
Baltimore Racial Justice Action
- 13th of the Month Events
- Check out their resources page
Social Justice Training Institute
- This experience is no joke you all – It CHANGED my life.
- There’s a student version of SJTI too!
- This conference happens every other year. I was lucky enough to go on a scholarship when it was in Baltimore a few years ago. If you’re down to travel, do it!
Women’s Center Things!
Critical Social Justice
A year-long campaign with a week of concentrated programming and events each year. This year is October 19-23rd!
Our Lending Library
Posted: September 17, 2015, 2:41 PM