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What You Need to Know About Tawanda Jones

As we count down to the Critical Social Justice: Baltimore 365 keynote event “Baltimore in Action: Always Rising” on Tuesday, October 20th, we’ll be profiling all of our keynote speakers in our “What You Need to Know” series. 

Tawanda Jones

Tawanda Jones speaks at the 111th consecutive West Wednesday demonstration. (Baltimore BLOC)

Tawanda Jones speaks at the 111th consecutive West Wednesday demonstration. (Baltimore BLOC)

Since her brother Tyrone West was murdered by Baltimore police on July 18th, 2013, Tawanda Jones has emerged as a leading voice in the movement to end police terror. Recently named Best Organizers in City Paper’s 2015 Best of Baltimore, the West family has led 113 consecutive West Wednesday demonstrations demanding justice for victims of police brutality.

I’m tired of meeting grieving families. But I do so that people can know it’s real.

In their tireless efforts to seek answers and accountability following Tyrone’s death, Tawanda and the West family have be credited with increasing local awareness of police violence and thereby setting the stage for the Baltimore Uprising after the murder of Freddie Gray.

I’m here to be the voice of the people that can’t speak, and that’s the victims of police murder. It’s not a ‘Tyrone thing.’ It’s a worldwide thing. 

For more on Tawanda, check out:

  • Revolution Newspaper’s interview with Tawanda where she talks about her ongoing fight for justice, what she’s learned about the system, and what keeps her from losing faith
  • Videos of West Wednesday demonstrations and interviews (by Baltimore BLOC)  
  • Follow the Justice for Tyrone West Facebook page for the latest updates and events


Posted: September 25, 2015, 9:45 AM