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Slaying on the Weekly: “Finish Your Ugly-Crying, Here’s What Comes Next” + resources

A weekly round-up curated by Women’s Center staff member, Michael Jalloh Jamboria

In the spirit of my friend, who gave us the glorious name ‘Slaying on the Weekly’, every week I will be bringing you some interesting, funny or thought-provoking content from the internet! Be sure to join us next week for more and continue to slay!

Things you should know:

As President Obama welcomes the President- elect, many are reminding others that he is #notourpresident. As we try to understand what this means for our communities and loved ones, be sure to watch Hillary Clinton’s concession speech. It’s disheartening yet inspirational and a call to action as we move forward as a nation.

Article of the Week:

Jess Myers, the director of the Women’s Center, wanted to share one of the articles of the week. Here’s Why We Grieve Today. Please remember that it’s perfectly acceptable to grieve. It’s ok to be sad, cry or scream. Your emotions are valid and if you need a place to process them, the Women’s Center will be here for you.

I’d also like to share Finish your Ugly-Crying, Here’s What Comes Next. The author shares things we can all do to support the “mental health and safety of your friends”.

UMBC Happenings:

There is great activism and craftivism in the works. Artist collectives and protests are happening all throughout Baltimore and other major cities. Get involved, reach out to the Women’s Center to share your needs and concerns. We want to be here with you as you grieve, heal and rebel.


Song of the Week:

I’ve been listening to really great music recently, and I want to share that with all of you! This week’s song is Keep Your Head Up by Tupac.


I love you, I see your pain. We’re here for you. Until next week!

Posted: November 11, 2016, 9:00 AM