Fundraiser for the Women's Center
Buy Your Women's Center Mug Today!
Our mugs have arrived! Show your support to the center by purchasing a travel mug with our logo on it! Your purchase will help us raise funds that are much needed for the operation of the center. This is a multipurpose fundraiser as each mug purchased will help the Women's Center with:
1) Donations: Donate much needed funds to the Women's Center
2) Sustainability: Help replace Women's Center paper cups with a more sustainable alternative!
3) Cost Savings: The Women's Center will spend less money on paper cups and more money on important programs!
4) PR: People will see your awesome mug and want to visit the Women's Center for anything from free coffee and tea to critical crisis response and referral!
Thanks for helping us in achieving our goals!
_________________________________________________________________________________Cost: $10 each; Cash or Check made payable to the University of Maryland Baltimore County.
_________________________________________________________________________________Please see attached order form.
Posted: April 26, 2011, 11:35 AM