March is Women's History Month!
Check out our calendar of events for 2018!
Celebrate Women's History Month with these great events happening throughout March!
In 1987 the US Congress designated March as National Women’s History Month. This creates a special opportunity in our schools, our workplaces, and our communities to recognize and celebrate the often-overlooked achievements of American women. Each year there is a special theme designated by the National Women's History Project. This year's theme is is "Nevertheless She Persisted: Honoring Women Who Fight All Forms
of Discrimination Against Women."
For a list of all the campus events, download the calendar below. Follow the Women's Center on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram for updates throughout the month.
Highlighted Events Hosted by the Women's Center:
International Women's Day Tabeling Event
Thursday, March 8th, 11am-2pm
Commons Main Street
Knowledge Exchange: Consciousness Raising - The past, present, and future of consciousness raising
Wednesday, March 14th, 4:30-6pm
Women's Center
Cultivating Our Roots: Growing Feminist Leaders - Our WHM Keynote Event!
Wednesday, March 28th, 6-8pm
Commons Skylight Room
Join the Women's Center and co-sponsors WILL and Campus Life Leadership Programs for a night of celebrating Women's History Month, and looking toward the future. Inspired by a history of bringing together women and other activists in solidarity, we wanted to offer a space to make new feminist friends and build up your network at UMBC and beyond.
(Co-Sponsored by WILL and Campus Life Leadership Programs)
Highlighted Events Hosted by Campus Parnters:
Tuesday, March 6th, 6 p.m.
AOK Library Gallery
Thursday, March 8, 4-5:15pm
AOK Library Gallery
The keynote speaker will also be presenting 2 different workshops on March 7th. See the calendar or GWST's myUMBC page for more details.
Saturday, March 10th, 10:30am - 3:30pm
Fine Arts 011
Sponsored by WILL
Thursday, March 29th, 4-5:30pm
The Commons 329
Sponsored by The Mosaic Center
Posted: March 1, 2018, 11:37 AM