Women's Center Updated Hours, Services, and Resources
The following Women's Center specific information is subject to change based on the rapidly developing public health response to COVID-19. We will update the information below as needed. For the most up-to-date information related to UMBC, please visit covid19.umbc.edu.
*Please note, this post was updated on 3/20/2020 at 11:30am to reflect the most recent UMBC guidance on distance learning and remote work for the remainder of the spring 2020 semester. Further edits to some services were made on 3/23/20.
Women's Center Hours of Operation
The Women's Center will continue providing support and services remotely for the rest of the spring semester based on the 3/19 guidance from UMBC beginning March 23rd. The Women's Center space including our lounge and lactation room will not be open until further notice.
Individualized Support Meetings:
Beginning March 23rd, Women's Center professional staff will be available for individual meetings and support which we can provide via phone or video chat; to schedule an appointment, email womenscenter@umbc.edu. If you are already working with a specific staff member and need to set up additional meetings, feel free to reach out to the staff member you have been working with directly (via email or even g-chat!).
Visit our website for all the ways we can provide you support during this time.
Lactation and Wellness Room:
Due to UMBC's facilities remaining closed after spring break, the Women's Center cannot offer our lactation room to the community until further notice.
Women's Center Program/Events Cancellations:
All Women's Center programming and events for the rest of the spring semester are either cancelled, postponed, or will be redesigned into a virtual format. We will release more information on changes to our programming calendar as we meet as a staff and hear from you, our community, on your needs, wants, and ideas to help us transform our community during these unprecedented times (truly - we welcome your ideas and feedback!). Please continue to closely monitor this myUMBC page and your email accounts as virtual options are made to accommodate our community members. We will post which events are going virtual on their specific events post via myUMBC.
The Women's Center will be working on transitioning some of our other services online. Community building, care, and support remain central to our mission though the way we deliver those services may vary with the precautionary measures that UMBC is asking us to uphold. We know that, even though UMBC's campus is closing and classes are moving online, our students, faculty, and staff will need support and community in this time--and the Women's Center hopes to continue doing what we do best to strengthen this campus! If you haven't already, follow us on social media as we plan to share resources and communicate more regularly through these platforms: Blog | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram
Please also feel free to communicate with us through any of these channels with your needs and ideas to help us get through the remainder of the semester!
Whether you're here with us in person or we're meeting in virtual space -- We see you. We believe you. You matter. And, we're here for you.
The Women's Center Team
Other Helpful Resources:
To report and seek services for incidents related to sexual violence, relationship violence, and all other sexual misconduct, complete the online form located on the Office of Equity and Inclusion's website. TurnAround's 24/7 helpline is 443-279-0379. For a full list of off-campus resources, visit Retriever Courage.
For UMBC community members who need access to healthy food and other essential supplies visit Retriever Essentials or the myUMBC Retriever Essentials group for up-to-date hours for the pantry. Please note, in case you or someone you know needs food over the weekend, in an emergency or after hours, please contact our UMBC Campus Police Department by calling (410) 455-5555. The UMBC Police Station is a designated Food Zone that hosts readily accessible bags of food.
For information about Academic Success Center's services and support (tutoring, Writing Center, SI Pass, academic advocates, etc.) visit their website.
Posted: March 13, 2020, 12:16 PM