Add to UMBC's Virtual Clothesline Project
Create a design and submit it to the Women's Center
Remote or not, Sexual Assault Awareness Month marches forward! Just so, the Women's Center is creating a Virtual Clothesline Project.
Survivors looking to participate can digitally design a clothesline project t-shirt and submit it to the Women’s Center by direct messaging us via Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, or emailing your image to us at You can use Canva, Spark, photography, Powerpoint, anything! There are design examples attached to this myUMBC post below.
We will be gathering submissions throughout the month and eventually culminating in a Clothesline Project story on IG and FB, and features in the SAAM zine project, "Survivors to the Front: A Call to Witness."*
For those interested in participating and submitting a design:
- In your design, please do not include your name or any other identifying information in your design. If your contribution details your story, and you would like to go no further in the reporting process, we encourage you not to disclose any names or other specific identifying information, such as locations or familial relationships, as those details may prompt staff to follow up with you for reporting matters. This is particularly important for incidents related to childhood sexual abuse.
- The Clothesline Project intends to make visible the direct impact of sexual violence on survivors and victims. In doing so, we ask that only those who self-identify as survivors/victims of sexual and/or power-based violence (including those impacted by secondary trauma) create and submit designs.
More about the Clothesline Project:
The Clothesline Project is a community-based public art display in which survivors and victims of sexual and power-based violence design and create shirts that illustrate their stories. In the public display, each decorated shirt is hung shoulder to shoulder so that viewers bear witness to the impact of sexual violence in our campus community. View this blogpost from 2018 to learn more.
*for consideration to be included in our SAAM Zine, submit your shirt design by April 15th
- Attached Flyer for Add to UMBC's Virtual Clothesline Project
- Attached Image for Add to UMBC's Virtual Clothesline Project
- Attached Image for Add to UMBC's Virtual Clothesline Project
- Attached Image for Add to UMBC's Virtual Clothesline Project
- More Information about Add to UMBC's Virtual Clothesline Project
Posted: April 3, 2020, 1:21 PM