Counseling Center: Trans Drop-In Virtual Group Discussions
Online Beginning April 10th
We're sharing the information about this 5-week series on behalf of the Counseling Center. *********** Trans Drop-In Group: Trans Topics During COVID-19 Session #1 |
Join us weekly on Fridays at 2pm for discussion and education on trans topics during COVID-19 hosted by the Counseling Center. Each week we will cover a different topic, host a discussion space, and answer any questions folks may have. These meetings are intended to support members of the UMBC transgender community and are closed to allies at this time. Feel free to drop-in, no need to register in advance! Topics and WebEx links are below. Password for all events is “TransSupport2020
5-week series sign up:
4/10/2020 Session #1: Finding Community
4/17/2020 Session #2: Family
4/24/2020 Session #3: Coming Out
5/1/2020 Session #4: Romantic Partnerships
5/15/2020 Session #5: Social Transition
Posted: April 8, 2020, 10:36 AM