Women's Center Lactation Room - Spring 2021 Access
For community members working or learning on campus
Moms and parents who are working or learning on campus this spring who need to use the Women's Center lactation room must contact the Women's Center to set up access plans to the space.
While the Women's Center space will not be open to the community, we will work with The Commons staff during their hours of operation to ensure individual access to students, staff, and faculty needing this critical service. We can only ensure your access to the lactation room if you reach out to us to set up an access plan.
During the Fall Semester The Commons will be open Monday through Friday 11am to 4pm. Please note, The Commons will primarily be open to provide grab-and-go dining options. Most services will only be offered remotely, with limited services available on-site by appointment only. All visitors to The Commons are required to wear a face-covering that fully covers nose and mouth and physically distance themselves from others. For more information about The Commons operations visit campuslife.umbc.edu/the-commons.
If you need access outside of these times, please still reach out to the Women's Center so we can help find another alternative space to meet your needs.
To set up your Spring 2021 access plan, email Jess Myers at jessm@umbc.edu or womenscenter@umbc.edu.
Posted: January 21, 2021, 12:24 PM