Volunteers Needed to Staff Monument Quilt Display - Oct 26th
Help make this Critical Social Justice event a success!
On Thursday, October 26th, the Women's Center is in need of volunteers to help set up, staff, and breakdown the Monument Quilt display which is a Critical Social Justice event.
The Monument Quilt is a Baltimore-based art activist project with the goal of carving out spaces for survivors of sexual violence and abuse to share their stories. Written, stitched, and painted onto red fabric, the stories of survivors will be displayed on Erickson Lawn at UMBC to to create and demand public space to heal. The quilt resists the popular and narrow narrative of how sexual violence occurs by telling many stories, not one. The quilt builds a new culture where survivors are publicly supported, rather than publicly shamed.
The Women's Center is looking for student volunteers who support the mission of the Monument Quilt and the Women's Center and most importantly students who support the experiences and healing of survivors of sexual assault and abuse. We are in most dire need of volunteers for set-up (between 7am-10am) and breakdown (4pm-6pm). Volunteering during these time frames require manual work which can include heavy lifting, bending, and walking.
Volunteers are asked to attend a mandatory training session. In order to make the training accessible, we're offering it at 3 different times. Volunteers only need to attend 1 session. You can sign up for volunteer times and the training at this google form.
For additional questions, contact the Women's Center at womenscenter@umbc.edu. Check out our Facebook event for the display as well!
Thank you for your support - this event would not be possible with volunteers!
For more about all the Critical Social Justice: Rise events, visit our website.
Posted: October 13, 2017, 2:47 PM